IATA 위험물 코드
IATA 위험물(Dangours Goods) 코드
개요[편집 | 원본 편집]
위험물의 Class 및 Division에 따라 부여되어 있다.(IATA DGR Appendix B.2.2.4)
세부 내용[편집 | 원본 편집]
IATA 위험물 코드는 화물의 정보를 Cargo IMP 등에서 약어 표준으로 사용한다.
- DGD : Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods(위험물 화주 신고서)
- EBI : Lithium Ion Batteries Excepted as Per Section II of PI 965
- EBM : Lithium Metal Batteries Excepted as Per Section II of PI 968
- ELI : Lithium ion batteries excepted as per Section II of PI 965–967
- ELM : Lithium metal batteries excepted as per Section II of PI 968–970
- ICE : Carbon dioxide, solid (dry ice)
- MAG : Magnetized Material
- RBI : Regulated Lithium Ion Batteries as perSection IA and IB ofPI965
- RBM : Regulated Lithium Metal Batteries as perSection IA and IB ofPI968
- RCL : Cryogenic Liquid (Packing Instruction 202)
- RCM : Corrosive Class 8
- RCX : Explosives 1.3C Div 1.3C
- RDS : Biological Substance, Category B (UN 3373)
- REQ : Dangerous Goods in Excepted Quantities
- REX : To be reserved for normally forbidden Explosives, Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4F, 1.5 and 1.6
- RFG : Flammable Gas Div 2.1
- RFL : Flammable Liquid Class 3
- RFS : Flammable Solid Div 4.1
- RFW : Dangerous When Wet Div 4.3
- RGX : Explosives 1.3G , Div 1.3G
- RIS : Infectious Substance (UN 2814 or UN 2900)
- RLI : Fully regulated lithium ion batteries (Class 9) as per Section IA and IB of PI 965 and Section I of PI 966–967
- RLM : Fully regulated lithium metal batteries (Class 9) as per Section IA and IB of PI 968 and Section I of PI 969–970
- RMD : Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods Class 9
- RNG : Non-Flammable Non-toxic Gas Div 2.2
- ROP : Organic Peroxide Div 5.2
- ROX : Oxidizer Div 5.1
- RPB : Toxic substance Div 6.1
- RPG : Toxic Gas Div2.3
- RRE : Excepted Packages of Radioactive Material
- RRW : Radioactive Material Category I-White
- RRY : Radioactive Material Categories II-Yellow and III-Yellow
- RSB : Polymeric Beads/Plastics Moulding Compound (Packing Instruction 957
- RSC : Spontaneously Combustible Div 4.2
- RXB : Explosives 1.4B
- RXC : Explosives 1.4C
- RXD : Explosives 1.4D
- RXE : Explosives 1.4E
- RXG : Explosives 1.4G
- RXS : Explosives 1.4S
참고[편집 | 원본 편집]