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This page gives you an overview about the parameters of the global variable $wgIframe which can be set at in the LocalSettings.php file of the wiki:

Parameter Value(s) Remark
delay 50 Determines when and how fast iframes are loaded (in ms)
width 800 Determines the default width of an iframe (in pixel)
height 600 Determines the default height of an iframe (in pixel)
category Iframe Determines if and which category page is used by the extension
server local: {"scheme":"http","domain":"localhost"}
locals: {"scheme":"https","domain":"localhost"}
shiny: {"scheme":"http","domain":"localhost:3838"}
shinys: {"scheme":"https","domain":"localhost:3838"}
rstudio: {"scheme":"http","domain":"shiny.rstudio.com"}
shinyapps: {"scheme":"http","domain":"shinyapps.io"}
mars: {"scheme":"http","domain":"mars.wiwi.hu-berlin.de"}
wiwi: {"scheme":"https","domain":"shinyapps.wiwi.hu-berlin.de"}
hubox: {"scheme":"https","domain":"box.hu-berlin.de"}
airtravelinfo: {"scheme":"https","domain":"airtravelinfo.kr"}
googledrive: {"scheme":"https","domain":"docs.google.com"}
Determines which servers can be used.
A URL is composed by key-scheme://level.key-domain/path
size QQVGA: [160,120]
HQVGA: [240,160]
QVGA: [320,240]
WQVGA: [400,240]
HVGA: [480,320]
nHD: [640,360]
WVGA_1: [640,360]
WVGA_2: [640,384]
SD: [640,480]
VGA: [640,480]
WVGA_3: [720,480]
WGA: [768,480]
WVGA: [768,480]
WVGA_5: [768,480]
WVGA_4: [800,450]
WVGA_6: [800,480]
SVGA: [800,600]
WVGA_7: [848,480]
FWVGA: [854,480]
DVGA: [960,480]
qHD: [960,540]
WSVGA_5: [1024,576]
WSVGA: [1024,600]
WSVGA_6: [1024,600]
XGA: [1024,768]
WXGA_1: [1152,768]
XGA+_1: [1152,832]
XGA+: [1152,864]
XGA+_2: [1152,864]
XGA+_3: [1152,870]
XGA+_4: [1152,900]
HD: [1280,720]
WXGA_2: [1280,720]
WXGA_3: [1280,768]
WXGA_4: [1280,800]
SXGA: [1280,1024]
WXGA_5: [1344,768]
WXGA_6: [1360,768]
WXGA: [1366,768]
WXGA_7: [1366,768]
SXGA+: [1400,1050]
WSXGA: [1440,900]
WXGA+: [1440,900]
HD+: [1600,900]
UXGA: [1600,1200]
WSXGA+: [1680,1050]
FHD: [1920,1080]
WUXGA: [1920,1200]
DCI2K: [2048,1080]
QWXGA: [2048,1152]
QXGA: [2048,1536]
FHD+: [2160,1440]
1440p: [2560,1440]
WQHD: [2560,1440]
WQXGA: [2560,1600]
QSXGA: [2560,2048]
QHD+: [3200,1800]
WQXGA+: [3200,1800]
WQSXGA: [3200,2048]
QUXGA: [3200,2400]
UWQHD: [3440,1440]
UW4K: [3840,1600]
4KUHD: [3840,2160]
UHDTV-1: [3840,2160]
WQUXGA: [3840,2400]
HXGA: [4093,3072]
Cinema4K: [4096,2160]
DCI4K: [4096,2160]
UW5K: [5120,2160]
5K: [5120,2880]
UHD+: [5120,2880]
WHXGA: [5120,3200]
HSXGA: [5120,4096]
HUXGA: [6400,4800]
8KUHD: [7680,4320]
UHDTV-2: [7680,4320]
WHUXGA: [7680,4800]
10KUHD: [10240,4320]
Predefined sizes (in pixel) for iframes
Note: Names are case-sensitive!
allowfullscreen Allow content to be displayed in fullscreen mode